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Zika was very topical in the news in 2016 and while not as much talked about, it remains an important subject. The advice we need to give travellers going to Zika endemic areas remains very important so in April 2019 I moved this page from ‘Hot Topics’ to a resource page within the HELP resource.
UK Resources
- Zika virus (ZIKV): clinical and travel guidance from UKHSA
- Changes to the Country Information pages: Zika on TravelHealthPro
- For specific country travel advice see TravelHealthPro
- Zika virus: sexual transmission advice algorithm from Public Health England
- Health advice for women returning from a country or area with risk for Zika virus transmission from PHE (February 2019) – see image below as well
- Diseases in brief – Zika virus from NaTHNaC
- Risk assessment page for Zika from NaTHNaC
- Zika virus information from Pulic Health Scotland
- Algorithm for assessing pregnant women with a history of travel (see image below as well -updated February 2019)
- Zika virus, travel and the immunocompromised patient
- Zika virus: sample testing advice from PHE
- BBC One – Panorama – no longer on the iPlayer but found on the following link: The Zika Baby Crisis
- Free online course from LSHTM – Preventing Zika Virus: Understanding and Controlling the Aedes Mosquito
- The Lancet – Zika Virus Resource Centre
UK links specific for travellers
- Zika Virus from NHS
- Zika Virus Infection from fitfortravel
- Mosquito bite avoidance leaflet (see image below as well)
- NHS Blood and transplant service – information about Zika
International resources – key links leading to further resources
- WHO Zika virus Disease
- WHO – The history of Zika virus (electronic timeline)
- WHO Zika epidemiology update – February 2022 including a link to a useful map
- ECDC Zika virus infections
- CDC Zika virus and traveller resources. Interactive map here
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