Here are some useful videos – a description of each and their use is described below. Click on the image to play the video either embedded in this website or taken directly to You Tube to play.
1. Malaria lifecycle
This was created for my course ‘Malaria Matters’ but the video of the lifecycle is here as a standalone piece of work as well, explaining the life cycle of the malaria parasite in a human and also the stage at which the chemoprophylactic agents work.
2. Patient with malaria
This is a clip from a documentary made by Special Editions Films in 2009 and broadcast first on ITV television. The film was about the work of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London and the type of disease patients sometimes return home with. This extracted clip is of a patient who contracted malaria. It is shown with very kind permission of Mira King, Managing Director of Special Edition Films.
3. Malaria consultation
this was filmed in my surgery and is an example of a malaria prevention consultation with two patients travelling to India. It was created for the ‘Malaria Matters’ course but is here as a standalone film for observation and learning.
PLEASE NOTE that since this film was made the guidance on prophylaxis for India has changed in the UK guidance. However, the principles of the advice within the consutlation for awareness, bite prevention and diagnosis remain the same. It is always essential to check the latest guidance for advice from out databases in the UK (NaTHNaC and TRAVAX) to ensure you’re giving the latest recommendation.
4. Issues in travel health practice for nurses – a video for Practice Managers
This video was recorded for a series of workshops for Practice Managers which were held around the UK in Autumn 2012, organised by Crucell. The content addresses the complexity of a travel health consultation, issues around prescribing and the professional responsibilities of the nurse within a travel health context. Thanks go to Crucell Ltd. for allowing me to use this short video clip.
5. Malaria awareness
This is a clip made with an emphasis on mosquito bite prevention. It was part of a malaria awareness campaign, the presenter is Steve Backshall
6. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Friends and Family
This is a clip created by the FCO demonstrating the importance of taking out travel insurance no matter what type of traveller you are, or type of travel being taken
7. Travel advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
A useful video from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office illustrating the risks travelersl abroad can be presented with and the importance of taking out travel insurance
8. Travelling Well – a video for travellers from Dr Deb Mills.
Good preparation is one of the secrets to successful journeys.This video will help you learn some tips about how to stay healthy when you travel overseas. You can also see what happens when people forget to prepare their health before they travel overseas. Click on the image right to view on YouTube.
Dr Deb Mills is a well known Australian doctor who has been involved in Travel Medicine since 1988. She also has a great app called Travel Health Guide and a Vaccine Record for Travellers app. Both are also available for Android devices. For more about Dr. Deb, see here and you can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
9. Travellers’ Diarrhoea
PLEASE NOTE: December 2013, this wesite is currently being updated so is not available until January 2014, however click on the video to the right and this feature still works.
This video is found on the website www.travellersdiarrhoea.co.uk. It starts with the story of a traveller who acquired this non-vaccine preventable illness and then proceeds to a short explanation by Dr Jane Wilson Howarth on the prevention and management of travellers’ diarrhoea. Its very useful for patients to watch and I sometimes set it running within a consultation while I’m preparing the vaccines.
I’ve known Dr Jane Wilson Howarth for many years and her books were some of my favourite when studying travel medicine. Jane is a GP in Cambridge and a very productive author, having written many books and also a regular column in the Wanderlust magazine. See here for more details.
10. The Unwise Monkey learns what hepatitis B is
The World Hepatitis Alliance is a not-for-profit international umbrella Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). 28th July each year recognises World Hepatitis Day (WHD). This video was published in July 2013 in conjunction with WHD.
Created by the European Liver Patients Association it provides an informative and attractively presented educations video on the topic of hepatitis B lasting just under 4 minutes.
There are other videos in this series including ones on hepatitis A and hepatitis C – click here to see.
11. Help I caught it abroad
This was a two part series documentary made by Special Editions Films in 2009 and broadcast first on ITV television. The first film was about the work of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London and the type of disease patients sometimes return home with, and the second was filmed at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The image right is taken from part 1 and amongst others, features the chap in the picture (my husband Peter!). Although filmed some years ago now, this remains very up to date and relevant information. It is shown with very kind permission of Mira King, Managing Director of Special Edition Films.