Travel Service
Click the links below to access the resources shown in the image for a travel health service
Key publications to outline the importance of travel health
- Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service from the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Travel health nursing: career and competence development from the Royal College of Nursing
- Recommendations for the practice of travel medicine from the Faculty of Travel Medicine
- Protecting the health of travellers from the UK and Ireland from the Faculty of Travel Medicine
- GP mythbuster 107: Pre-travel health services from the Care Quality Commission (for those who provide a doctor or nurse-led service in England)
Articles by Jane Chiodini

Key documents necessary for best practice in a travel service
- A sample protocol and scroll down to item no.19
- A travel risk assessment form
- A travel management form
- An EMIS WEB template for documentation of travel risk assessment and management – read this blog in full
- A patient advice leaflet and scroll down to item no.4
- A leaflet for advice post vaccination and scroll down to item no.5
- Malaria advice leaflets to give to travellers and scroll down to item no. 25
- Vaccine stock management spreadsheet and scroll down to item no.12A
Interesting to research
- An article from a few years ago for those ‘New to Travel Health? How to Get Started.’ but more recently two articles published on this topic ‘Providing a travel health service in primary care‘ and ‘Setting up a travel service‘
- Bravery certificates – in both colour and black and white. Scroll down to item no.14
- Links to all the official resources when you start in travel
- FAQ on Providing an NHS travel service
- FAQ on Charging for vaccines in primary care
- FAQ on Prescribing for travel mostly in an NHS setting
- Information page for NHS Practice Managers
- Thinking of doing more training in travel medicine
- Wanting to attend more conferences in travel medicine – updates, conferences and outside events
Tools to help educate your travellers, plus resources to direct them for further personal learning
- Traveller Advice Resources (Platform 9¾) with easy to access information for your traveller – I use this in my consultation to explain what would be useful for them to review and learn more about after the appointment
- Videos – particularly numbers 2,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 (topics covered are malaria, insurance, risk of travel, travellers’ diarrhoea and hepatitis B
- Rabies prevention advice for travellers and also as a video
- Malaria prevention advice booklet to educate travellers on the AB&D of malaria prevention (currently being updated)
- Mosquito bite advice booklet – just about the prevention of bites but so important to prevent many diseases
- A great app for your travellers to use to understand the risks and also keep their vaccine record – see an explanation here
These aren’t plentiful, and none are that recent, but here are a few links you may like to browse
- The most comprehensive and detailed document I’ve found is from Shoreland. This is based in the USA and the database service (TRAVAX, an American version) is on subscription only but they have published large manuals for Clinic Operations Guides – last published in 2015
- The International Travel Medicine Society also have a very comprehensive document on How to Begin and Operate a Travel Service but this is only a member benefit
- Pharmacy travel health services: current perspectives and future prospects. (2017) Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice here
- A number of articles have been published in Emporiatrics (Browse around the various editions) and to see one specific article go here
- Setting up a travel health clinic – Article in Guidelines in Practice (2016) but focussing on General Practice here and an older one from Nursing Standard that I wrote (2005), Providing a Travel Health Service in Primary Care here
- Various articles in the Pharmacy press – here and here